Today's Reading

Meghan came around the counter. "When the movie comes out, we should do another signing."

Because—yes, indeedy—Chloe's book was being adapted into a movie. Not a TV or Netflix movie but an actual movie-theater movie. The big screen. Overcome for the millionth time by her uncanny luck, she offered her arm to Meghan, who accommodated by pinching her.

"At some point it's going to sink in."

"Well, not today. And I owe it all to you." She squeezed her friend.

"Nonsense. You did it—you wrote the love story every woman wants to read."

"I wrote the hero every woman dreams exists."

"True, true. Ledger Ford is ridiculously swoonworthy. In fact, if you should happen across the real-life version, please send him my direction."

Chloe's heart softened. She wanted nothing more than to see her friend's face light up with a smile again—a real one. "You got it."

"Come admire my handiwork."

Chloe followed Meghan to the window display. Three years ago they'd been bemoaning the lack of real-life heroes. Chloe's boyfriend of nearly a year had cheated on her, leaving her heartbroken. Evan was just the last in a string of romantic disappointments.

Meghan insisted Chloe should pen that novel she'd always wanted to write. And inspiration struck—Chloe could custom-build the hero to her own specifications. If the perfect man didn't exist, she would simply write him into existence!

And that's just what she did.

The epic love story featured a young widow who returned to her seaside hometown and reunited with the childhood sweetheart who'd broken her heart years before. With the help of an agent she'd sold it to Rosewood Press. Ledger Ford had resonated with romance readers on a scale Chloe hadn't dared to dream of. And then several months after her big launch, her publisher had optioned the story to a major film producer. Was it any wonder Chloe was still pinching herself?

"Any more casting news?" Meghan asked.

Daisy Hughes had been casted as Cate—a perfect pick as far as Chloe was concerned. "I haven't heard anything lately. I'm so nervous about who they'll choose to play Ledger. He's the key to making this movie adaptation work."

"I'm still hoping for Chris Evans."

"I put a word in for him, but we'll see. I hope whoever they settle on has a good reputation, you know?"

"Sure, but the actor and the character aren't the same thing."

"I know. I just don't want any nasty scandals besmirching Ledger's good name."

"Well, you're consulting producer, so you do have some leverage. But I know how important—how personal—this is to you."

Because, yes, Ledger was the hero of Chloe's heart. The man she hoped actually existed in real life, somewhere. One who would love her. One who would be loyal to her. One who would stick around. She was willing, eager even, to return the favors. "They've been pretty good about keeping me in the loop and hearing my thoughts, but it's not like I have final say on anything."

They stopped at the window display.

"Where did you get all this sand?"

"The beach, of course. I'm surprised your brother didn't mention it."

"What does Sean have to do with it?"

"I asked to borrow his truck and then he ended up helping me. Some environmentalist chased us away, but not before we'd absconded with enough sand for the display. It was actually pretty fun."

Chloe frowned at the small smile lifting Meghan's lips. At the secret glimmer in her eyes. Chloe loved her brother, she did. But her friend was in such a vulnerable place, and Sean had a certain charm that tended to leave a trail of heartbroken women in his wake. She feared he'd never settle down.

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